Dr. Dianna's Dental Sealants Course:
A Course on Dental Sealants From a Natural/Integrative Approach
Feeling more confident about your dental sealant decisions for your children
If you didn't have to waste time trying to do your own research about safer/alternative options for dental sealants
Having a better understanding of the safety of materials in dental sealants
If you could better communicate your natural approach to dentistry needs with your conventional or biological dentist
Understand what sealants are
Know how to help lower risk of toxic exposure during sealant placement
Understand the process/procedure of getting dental sealants
Be aware of the potential harmful chemicals in dental sealants
Understand when and why dentists would recommend sealants
Recognize the reasons for why sealants MAY or MAY NOT be necessary
Feel more confident in communicating with your dentist about sealants and your concerns
Gain an understanding of the pro's and con's of various brands of dental sealants
Learn about the most natural/integrative/least toxic approach to getting sealants
Have reviewed the highest-evidence based literature for sealants
General Course Outline
Part 1 - Dental Sealants 101
Part 2 - Sealants- Yes or No?
Part 3 - Sealants and Chemicals Overview
Part 4 - Fluoride and Sealants
Part 5 - BPA Basics
Part 6 - BPA in Sealants
Part 7 - Issues with BPA Research
Part 8 - Other Chemicals in Dental Sealants
Part 9 - Sealant Brands Overview
Part 10 - Integrative/Natural Approaches to Sealants
Part 11 - Final Thoughts
PDF - Questions to Ask Your Dentist Before Sealant Placement
PDF - Procedural Considerations and Sealant Checklist
Sealant Course Powerpoint
Sources for the Course
I provide you a list of the HIGHEST LEVEL OF EVIDENCE research articles supporting the least toxic/most natural approaches to sealants possible. These resources can be given to your dental provider and/or you can use these as a reference to support your decisions. Here are all of the bonuses that you will get for this LIMITED TIME OFFER:
You will be provided a PDF Checklist that you can bring to your dental provider. This checklist is a guide to make sure that your dental provider is not missing the necessary safety precautions to lower toxic exposure for you or your child while getting sealants placed.
No more worrying about making sure you have your questions answered at the dentist. This is a checklist of the most important questions to ask your dentist if they recommend sealants for your child. This can be printed out and can be brought to the dentist with you for your convenience.
A document that you can hand your dentist about the guidelines that should be followed to lower any toxicity from procedure. These guidelines are supported by the highest level of evidence in research.
Yes! This course is SPECIFICALLY meant to help parents/people understand BOTH SIDES (conventional and natural approach) to dental sealants. It also explains the pro's and con's of dental sealants and answers many commonly asked questions about dental sealants!
Yes! 1) The course includes resources to physically give to your dental provider to help them understand step-by-step how to lower toxin exposure from sealants/take a more natural/integrative approach to sealants if that is what you and your dentist decide to do for your child. 2) Also included is a research resource with links to all high-evidence based articles to give to your dentist to support your approach and help guide them. This means less work for you and the dentist! 3) The course also helps give you an understanding for why dentists recommend sealants in the first place and in what certain situations. This can help you make the decision you feel is best for your child 4) This course gives an IN-DEPTH overview BOTH SIDES of the sealant approach (conventional and natural) instead of maybe only getting a one-sided approach.
All natural/biological dentists are not the same. They may use different materials or have different opinions/approaches to sealants. Some dentists still have certain biases towards certain approaches, even if they take "natural" approaches. This course gives you detailed information about the pro's and con's of certain sealant brands and potential concerning materials. It also will help you become more knowledgeable about the topic and be able to communicate your specific needs better with your dentist. If you are thinking about having sealants placed for your child, you may want to have the guides/checklists offered in the course to make sure that you are asking the right questions before making your decision and to make sure your dentist is taking the appropriate steps to lower potential toxic exposure for your child.
Yes! This doctor-taught course can help supplement your research and make sure that you are looking at the best quality, up-to-date evidence out there on the subject. It can also help you understand where dentists are coming from and why they may recommend them. Gaining a thorough understanding of both sides of the approach can help guide you in making the best decision for you or your child.
The price for the course is a great bang-for-your-buck for what you are getting and what you can gain from the course! This is the ONLY comprehensive course that includes BOTH a conventional AND natural/integrative approach to dental sealants. It saves you the time of digging through the dental literature. Trying to understand the literature and knowing what information to trust can sometimes be difficult. This course makes the material fun and easy for anyone to understand, even if they do not have a medical background. It also can help answer many questions for you and could save you time and money with trying to dentist-hop to find someone who can explain this information from both sides. This course is priced to be less than an average dental visit and is WAY more information than can be covered in one dental visit!
It can be! 1) Most dentists put sealants on children around 6 years old and 12 years old when their permanent molars come in. However, there are exceptions to this and can sometimes be placed on younger children or even adults. The dentist may recommend more in the future. Sealants can commonly chip and need replacements as well. 2) Some people have hesitations about dental sealants and may consider having them removed/replaced if possible. If that is the case, this course can help you look at both conventional and natural approaches to sealants and see both sides of the story!
Hear from other people who have taken the course:
“I LOVED THIS SO MUCH! This course was very thorough and evidence-based. It really gives true informed consent that is not discussed as in depth as in an actual dental office. I wish I had taken this course before my kids had sealants placed because I certainly would've taken a safer approach with cleaner materials and made sure that my dentist would've followed certain protocols- that is if they even would've actually needed them in the first place! This course was 100% worth taking and I am excited for the next ones!”
Toni“This was SOO INFORMATIVE, easy to understand and is a must-have for all parents considering sealants for their child or wanting to lower toxic exposures when it comes to dental sealants!”
Rich“I recently completed Dr Cortese's course on dental sealants. The course, meticulously crafted by an expert biological dentist, provided comprehensive and detailed insights into the application, risks/benefits including chemicals and BPA, brands, and research, and natural approaches to dental sealants. The content was exceptionally well-organized, and broken up into manageable sections, making complex concepts easy to understand. The practical examples and hands-on guidance were particularly valuable, enhancing my confidence and skill in this area. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to deepen their knowledge in dental sealants.”
Kevin KNormally $99.99...80% off today only $19.99!